Monday, September 30, 2019

Population and Economic Growth Essay

The debate between positive and negative sides of population growth is ongoing. Population growth enlarges labour force and, therefore, increases economic growth. A large population also provides a large domestic market for the economy. Moreover, population growth encourages competition, which induces technological advancements and innovations. Nevertheless, a large population growth is not only associated with food problem but also imposes constraints on the development of savings, foreign exchange and human resources. Generally, there is no consensus whether population growth is beneficial or detrimental to economic growth in developing economies. Moreover, empirical evidence on the matter for developing economies is relatively limited (Savas, 2008). According to Population ‘revisionist’ economists, population growth acts as an indispensable constituent for stimulating economic development because a sizeable population provides the required consumer demand to generate favorable economies of scale in production, lower production costs, and provide a sufficient and low-cost labor supply to achieve higher output levels (Todaro 1995, p. 03). Johnson (1999) pointed out that a high rate of economic growth is associated with high population growth and low economic growth is associated with low population growth. The issue of population and economic growth is as old as the discipline ofeconomics itself. The debate on the relationship between population andeconomic growth could be traced back to 1798 when Thomas Malthus published the book An Essay on the Principle of Population. Malthus claimed that there is a tendency for the population growth rate to surpass the production growth rate because population increases at a geometrical rate while production increases at an arithmetic rate. Thus, the unfettered population growth in a country could plunge it into acute poverty. However, the pessimist view has proven unfounded for developed economies in that they managed to achieve a high level of economic growth and thus, both population and the real gross domestic product (GDP)per capita were able to increase (Savas, 2008). Similarly, many of the empirical studies that claimedthat a rapid population growth impeded economicdevelopment could not be considered reliable. This isbecause the statistical correlation between populationexpansion and economic growth has not addressed thecausal relationship between the two (Repetto, 1985). The nature, direction and pattern of the causal relationship between population growth and economic growth has been the subject of very old debate among economists, demographers, policy-makers and researchers which is an open issue in development economics. Even though the nexus between population development and economic development has received extensive attention in the earlier period, it seems a stylized reality that it is hard to obtain a robust effect of population on economic development today. Despite the fact that there are abundant research studies on the relationship between population and economic development, there is no universal consensus as to whether population expansion is beneficial or detrimental to economic growth. (SarbapriyaandIshita, 2012). Population and Economic Growth  The debate on the relationship between population and economic growth could be traced back to Malthus. According to Malthus, population tends to grow geometrically, whereas food supplies grow only arithmetically. According to the Malthusian model, the causation goes in both directions. Higher economic growth increases population by stimulating earlier marriages and higher birth rates, and by cutting down mortality from malnutrition and other factors. On the other hand, higher population also depresses economic growth through diminishing returns. This dynamic interaction between population and economic growth is the centre of the Malthusian model, which implies a stationary population in the long-run equilibrium. Malthus’s concern created quite a stir in the early nineteenth century England, leading to widespread calls for restraints on population growth. Still, the English population expanded quite rapidly throughout the nineteenth century, but by most evidence real income rose and the spectre of mass starvation declined(Sarbapriya and Ishita, 2012). One of the stylized facts about population in all contemporary developed nations is that over the past couple of centuries it has passed through three stages (i. e. , demographic transition). The first stage is characterized by high birth rates and high death rates, resulting in a slow population growth. In thesecond stage there was a decrease in death rates, however the birth rates remained high as a consequence of increases in population. Finally, in the third stage, fertility rates fell and combined with low mortality rates resulted in very low or no population growth. The usual explanations for the time evolution of population relies generally on the idea that the improvement of economic conditions – which includes massive improvements in public health – led first to a reduction in the mortality rates, and finally to a decrease in the birth rates. As income per capita is a good proxy for economic conditions because it reflects, among other things, the impact of technology, education and health, the usual explanations therefore suggest that there is a strong link between per capita income and population. Indeed, the main theories put forward by economists to explain the evolution of population relates it to per capita income not aggregate output. This implies that there is a direct relation between per capita income and population size, an increase in income per capita leads to an increase in the size of population ((Sarbapriya and Ishita, 2012) The relationship between population and economicgrowth is complex and the empirical evidence is ambiguous, particularly concerning the causes and impacts3. It can be demonstrated in a theoretical model that a large population growth could have both negative and positive impacts on productivity4. A large population may reduce productivity because of diminishing returns to more intensive use of land and other natural resources. Conversely, a large population could encourage greater specialization, and a large market increases returns to human capital and knowledge. Thus, the net relationship between greater population and economic growth depends on whether the inducements to human capital and expansion of knowledge are stronger than diminishing returns to natural resources. Therefore, it is important to examine the population and economic growth nexus (Savas, 2008).

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Proposed Mexican Business Essay

A business plan is very important guide that directs the management of the business or organization towards achieving its goals. Analysis of the market in which a business is venturing is very essential. This gives a clear picture of the entire market that the business is getting into. This paper will look at the economic, demographic and socio-economic details of each major state in Mexico. This paper will further go ahead to explain both the foreign and the foreign and the domestic banks that are operating in Mexico. This paper also includes detailed ideas about recruitment of employees in Mexico. Finally it gives extensive information about the American companies that are operating in Mexico. Mexico is known to be a constitutional republic federally based in North America. It is bordered on the northern side by United States. The North Pacific Ocean borders this republic on the south and the western sides. Mexico is highly referred to as the United Mexico States. The Caribbean Sea is very visible on the southeast part of Mexico. It consists of many states which are thirty one in number. Mexico City is known to be one of the most populated cities in the world. (Crandall, 2004) Mexico as earlier on illustrated has got approximately thirty one states. They include Sonora, Baja California, Chihuahua, Coahuila, Nuevo Leon, Tomaulipas, Durango, Baja California Sur, Chiapas, Guerrero, Jalisco, Nayarit, SLP, Oaxaca, Campeche and Vera Cruz among others. These Mexican states are also divided into different municipalities. In the year 1900, the population in Mexico was approximately 13.6 million.   The demographics of Mexican states are as follows. Michoacan state is known to have the lowest population growth. Quintana Roo has the highest population growth rate. These two states are the least populated. Baja California has Sur and Baja California has the highest migration rate. Below are the demographics by city and state. Rank    Core City   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   State      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Pop  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Rank   Ã‚   Core City   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   State      Ã‚  Ã‚  Pop 1   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Mexico City   Ã‚   DF   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   19,231,829   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   11   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Queretaro   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   QT   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   918,100 2   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Guadalajara   Ã‚  Ã‚   JA   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   4,095,853   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   12   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Merida   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   YU   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   897,740 3   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Monterrey   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   NL   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   3,664,331   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   13   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Mexicali   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   BC   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   855,962 4   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Puebla   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   PB  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   2,109,049  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   14   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Aguascalientes AC  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   805,666 5   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Toluca   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   ME   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   1,610,786   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   15   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Tampico   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   TM   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   803,196 6   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Tijuana   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   BC   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   1,483,992   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   16   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Culiacan   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   SI   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   793,730 7   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Leon   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   GT  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   1,425,210  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚      17  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Cuernavaca   Ã‚  Ã‚   MO   Ã‚  Ã‚   787,556 8   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Juarez   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   CH  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   1,313,338  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   18   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Acapulco   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   GR   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   786,830 9   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Torreon   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   CO   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   1,110,890   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   19   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Chihuahua   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   CH   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   784,882 10   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   San Luis Potosi SL   Ã‚  Ã‚   957,753   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   20   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Morelia   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   MI   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   735,624 The economy in this nation is firmly established. It is known to be the world’s 12th largest in line with its economy. This is according to GDP and PPP. This nation has an economy that is highly diversified. The infrastructure is quite developed in terms of telecommunications, airports, distribution of gas, railroads and seaports among other sectors. (Denizer, 1997) The socio-economics data reveals that the population in this nation that is in extreme poverty has tremendously decreased from twenty four point one percent to approximately sixteen point nine percent. This is according to the World Bank. It is however very evident that there are huge disparities in the incomes of the poor and the wealthy in the nation. There are also remarkable differences between the south and the northern areas of Mexico. These differences still exist amongst the urban and the rural areas. The contrasts are quite sharp in relation to human development and income levels. These issues still remain to be quite problematic in Mexico. Poverty has been reduced in Mexico through the increase in the middle class purchasing power. The inflation in Mexico is as low as 3.3%. This has resulted in middle class people in this nation having a credit consumption that is quite high. There is great stability in the nation in terms of monetary terms.   Through remittances from citizens in Mexico, poverty has been greatly alleviated. The infrastructure in Mexico is quite developed and this makes it very easy to carry out business in this republic. This is in terms of the road network. Chiapas State in Mexico is very developed in terms of the infrastructure. There are both foreign and domestic banks in Mexico. Research shows that Mexico allowed foreign banks to open up branches therein. This was made easy through foreign acquisitions of the various domestic banks in Mexico. It is very clear that foreign banks in Mexico are more profitable when compared to the domestic banks in Mexico.   This shows that foreign banks have had positive impacts on the entire banking sector. Citibank is one of the foreign banks that started operating in Mexico in the year 1994. This bank is U.S based. This was through the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). (Houghton, 1999) Other foreign banks that are operating in Mexico include Scotiabank, HSBC, Banco Santander and BBVA. Banco Santander is based in Spain, Scotiabank is in Canada, and HSBC is in U.K while BBVA is in Spain. Among the domestic banks include Banco de Azteca. The other prominent domestic bank that is operating in Mexico is called Barnote. It is highly known even among the locals for its excellent services.] Recruitment is a very essential part of organizational management. This is due to the fact that this process enables an organization to get qualified professionals that are quite competent in carrying out the tasks assigned to them. Critical analysis of the entire business sector shows the way it carries out this important task. Looking at most of the organizations in Mexico, they carry out recruitment process through advertising of the vacant posts. Many organizations advertise in their Company websites, they also place advertisements in newspapers and sometimes over the radio. The management clearly indicates the desired qualifications of potential employees. Interested candidates then send their particulars (these are the cover letter and C.V) to the organization either by post or by electronic media. The application letters and C.Vs are then analyzed and the qualified candidates are then short listed. These are then communicated to such that they attend an oral or written interview depending on the organization. Some organizations use both methods. Some organizations carry out one and others two interviews with the potential candidates. Those who pass the interviews are either communicated to trough post or through telephone. The qualified candidates are then incorporated into the organization where they go through training or induction in relation to their work or job profile. All these normally result in organizations having qualified employees. This process is carried out by the management team in organizations in Mexico without favoritism. There are different American Companies that are operating in Mexico. Most of these Companies are very successful. Amongst the American Companies that are successfully operating in Mexico include Diners Club, Master Card and American Express Bank. These Companies are well known in the Mexican Republic and their profit margins are very high. Research shows that there are very many factors that have made American Companies operating in Mexico to be successful. (Houghton, 1999)   One of the major factors that have made these Companies to be successful is the NAFTA initiative. Through this it has become very easy for the American based Companies to start up branches in Mexico. The management in these Companies is very sound. This is bearing in mind that these organizations have been in existence for some time. There are various strategies that the American companies that are based in Mexico use. These strategies include marketing both through online and offline means. The online means that are highly used by these successful Companies include the use of internet advertising. Before these organizations or Companies start up their branches in Mexico, they normally carry out adequate research. This is in relation to the competitor companies in the market and their prices. Through this they then strategize by carrying out product differentiation and this enables them to have a place in the market. Among the strategies that that American Companies that are based in Mexico employ include PESTLE analysis and SWOT analysis. In the PESTLE analysis they consider the political, Economic, Social, Technical and legal factors that would affect the business. With this information at hand, the Companies succeed very easily. Another strategy that is incorporated is ensuring that most of the employees in the Companies are citizens of Mexico. Through this, they find favor with the people and therefore market penetration becomes easy since the people identify with the organizations. The Companies are known to get involved in corporate social responsibilities in Mexico. (Robert, 2006) This gives the Company better standing in the Mexican Republic and therefore enhances their overall success. Most of the American based Companies that are operating in Mexico normally use their manufactured products to test the market before they open up branches in Mexico. This becomes very easy for the Companies to gain more customers in the long run. (Krauze, 1998) In conclusion, a business plan clearly gives a business the required guidelines. Mexico is a republic that is found in North America. There are approximately thirty one states in Mexico. The demographics of this nation reveal that the urban states are highly populated compared to the rural towns. The economy of Mexico is very stable and well established. In fact it is known to be the 12th wealthy nation worldwide. The socio-economics of this nation shows that there are high disparities between the rich and the poor. The infrastructure on the other hand is very well developed. This is in terms of telecommunications, road network and information technology network. There are both domestic and foreign banks in Mexico. The foreign banks include Scotia bank, HSBC, Banco Santander and BBVA. Domestic banks include Banco de Azteca and Barnote. Successful American Companies operating in Mexico include American Express, Diners Club and Master Card. They ensure that they carry out extensive marketing analysis before opening branches in Mexico. This enables them to succeed. Reference: Crandall, R. (2004): Mexico’s Domestic Economy; Policy Options and Choices; Mexico’s Democracy at Work; New York; Lynne Reinner Publishers Denizer, C. (1997): The Effects of Financial Liberalization and New Bank Entry on Market Structure and Competition in Turkey; New York; Melbourne Press   Houghton, M. (1999): Mexico in Perspective; 3rd edition; New York; McGraw Hill   Krauze, E. (1998): Mexico: Biography of Power; Modern Mexico; 1996- 2007; New York; Melbourne Press Robert, C. (2006): Foreign Bank Entry; Experience; Implications for Developing Economies; New York; Free Press

Saturday, September 28, 2019

The illiad of homer, translated by richard lattimore Essay

The illiad of homer, translated by richard lattimore - Essay Example He refers to the priest as an old man and warns him never to loiter again in his compound in claim of his daughter. â€Å"Let me not find thee ,old man at the hollow barks, either now loitering, or hereafter returning, lest the staff and fillet of the god avail thee not† (Homer & Buckley 1). Agamemnon curses the priest and wishes him doom. He condemns the priest and even goes ahead to tell him he is not worthy scepter god’s protection. Agamemnon swears not to release the maiden till old age, and even at that time, he adamantly swears to take her in his Argive home for her to make his couch. The standoff between Agamemnon and the priest has worked to bring out the character of Agamemnon; as a ruthless and cunning person who won’t allow anything to stand his way towards his personal interests. It is however out of these characteristics that Agamemnon gains his popularity. It is funny how people get determined to acquire wealth. Hector is no exceptional. He proposes to end the war by a duel between Menelaus, the loved of Mars, and Paris, who is a woman-follower and seducer according to Hector. â€Å"The lyre and the gifts of Aphrodite would not be of use to you, and your combed hair and beauty, when you mingle in the dust† (Schein 54). The victor of th e war is to be awarded the beauty Hellen, the fairest of Priam’s daughters, and all her wealth (Leaf 135). Hector portrays Paris as an enemy of the people. He despises him as a useless person who did not even deserve to be born. In Hector’s eyes, Paris is a coward, a scandal, and scorn to all those who set their eyes on him. â€Å"There is no strength in your heart and there is not any valor.† (Schein 45). The family has not been left behind in the contribution of a certain behavior of the characters in the Illiad of homer. A good example is the family of Chryses, a priest who offers ransom to Agamemnon for the

Friday, September 27, 2019

See the description box Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

See the description box - Coursework Example It was a kind of revenge. Nevertheless, he was able to hit the shopper and not his ex-girlfriend. Knowing that it was a street, a public area, Charlie could have exercised an extra care in throwing the stone. Presumably, he was drunk so he was not able to consider the required duty of care. He was intoxicated. To note, the shopper was blinded in one eye. The question now would focus on his criminal liability if any in the instant scenario. Charlie could actually make any of the following as his defence against the shopper: (1) he did not intend to hit the shopper-- it was unintentional; (2) he was intoxicated -- this could mean that he was not in his right mind when he executed the act; (3) it was purely incidental -- he had nothing to do with the situation. On the other hand, the police officer could choose any of the following to defend himself and prove his innocence: (1) he gave a warning to Charlie; (2) he decided to fire at Charlie since he did not listen; (3) he did not intend to kill the shopper -- the killing was unintentional. To this extent, Charlie could refute the second defence of the police as he was hard of hearing. The Principles of Actus Reus and Mens Rea In determining criminal liability, there are two factors that should be considered, â€Å"actus reus† and â€Å"mens rea.† In British law, there is a need to prove the existence of the two factors so as to judge an accused as criminally liable. Stated in another sense, there should be a direct relation between the criminal’s mind and action. The prosecutors should be able to show that the accused really intended to commit the criminal act. It would be plausible to state then that if they could not prove the presence of the two factors, the accused should be absolved from any criminal liability. Nevertheless, there are certain exceptions to this rule. It could happen that the criminal does not really have the intention to commit the crime as he or she was forced to do so o r was just unaware of the consequences of his or her act. Self-defence and insanity illustrate this situation. Both are actually lawful justifications in a criminal complaint. There will be no unlawful act if an accused successfully proves either of the two defences in court. As explained by Allen, where a particular defence functions as an excuse to the accused’s criminal conduct, such act is negated as it would be deemed to have been the proper course of action in the situation in which the accused found himself or herself.1 As such, the accused would not face the normal effects of conviction and sentencing flowing from the wrong conduct requiring mens rea.2 To properly assess the instant scenario, it would be appropriate to tackle first the principle on actus reus. Actus reus actually refers to the external or outside elements of the offence.3 Specifically, it refers to the elements of a crime which are to be established and proven by the prosecution other than the mens re a.4 The essential difference between the two principles of criminal law (actus reus and mens rea) is that actus reus is related to criminal acts while mens rea is associated with the state of mind or criminal mind. Stated otherwise, the first is to action whereas the second is to intellect. Nonetheless, there are crimes in which criminal intent is one of its essential elements like murder. In the case at hand, Charlie's act towards his ex-girlfriend was an assault, a common assault under section 39 of the Criminal Justice Act of 1988.5 An assault is actually

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Was Plutarco really a person as history describes or a person Almada Essay

Was Plutarco really a person as history describes or a person Almada depicted in her documentary, El General Did Almada personalize to examine her controversial ancestor, Plutarco Calles - Essay Example The contrast lies in the sense that while history portrays him as the Puppet President, the one who has Catholic blood on his hands, the one who deceived many to make his way through, on the other hand, Almada portrays him to be reasonable, logical and nonetheless ‘humane’ in contrast to popular opinion. One will have to explore facts and indulge in an in-depth study in this context to be fair in an analysis, and to explore as to which side of the story holds more truthful value. The paper aims at exploring the mainstream history books popular not just in Mexico but rather in the world. The study will focus on how Plutarco is portrayed and perceived in the world, also how the opinion has been altered. Furthermore, the opinions will be contrasted with data from the documentary produced by Almada who is Calles` great grand-daughter. This data will reflect how a daughter perceived her father, i.e. the firsthand account of someone who was directly associated with the much co ntroversial figure. Thus, based on the analysis, contrasts would be made to predicate how history is de-shaped and de-framed by the historians. Calles is essentially portrayed as someone who was deeply indulged in a power struggle throughout his life, which poses certain paradoxes. He is perceived as a rather controversial yet revolutionary figure, a President who failed to deliver his promises, deported priests on a massive scale, destroyed covenants, closed Catholic schools while he was facing a huge scaled rebellion. However, he sent his daughter to the United States, and that too to study at a Catholic school. This poses a question-mark over the issue i.e. if he hated Catholics such deeply, why would he want his daughter to be indulged in an education purely based on those values he abhorred. Historically, Calles was many things, portrayed by mainstream history, i.e. a school teacher, a Guaymas native, someone who went as far as to become

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Baseline Organizational Ethics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Baseline Organizational Ethics - Essay Example ng effective communication with the management is what has led the company to its great expansion and standardized consumer products as the ethics for the consumer industries demand. For IBM, even though its workers are subjected to sometimes longer working hours, the ethics in the technology industry permits that as long as the workers are compensated for long hours and they agree with them or they are included in their employment contract which is what IBM has done. As for Total for example, the environmental ethical guidelines are clear on the procedures and the precautionary measures required of the oil companies and these ethical policies have been neglected. The oil spill for example necessitates immediate compensation and public apology as well as participation in cleaning exercises of the environment but that did not immediately happen until the affected parties moved to court and the French judicial authorizes ordered their compensation and cleaning. The same case can be compared to BP which had a similar incident of oil spill in the ocean and they delayed in cleaning exercises until stringent measures were used including threats of closure before action was taken which is against the set ethical standards and policies. B. What are the primary factors that contributed to your ratings of the five companies, groups or organizations? Discuss how the examples you noted compare with similar policies, procedures, or standards that contributed to the ethical lapses in the publicly traded company selected for part a, of this assignment. I have interned and worked even part time in some of these companies and organizations and therefore have first-hand information on their ethical practices. A comparison of this information between these companies I have worked in and the set ethical standards is what has made me rate them as carried out in the table above. For those I have no first-hand experience, the media has been on the forefront on condemning them for not

Tuesday, September 24, 2019


NURSING & OTHER RELEVANT THEORIES- USING INFORMATION GATHERING TO IMPROVE NURSING PRACTICE - Essay Example In efforts to explain how practitioners can use modern technology to improve their practices as they ensure that they deliver high quality services, theorists such as Everest Rogers and Ludwig von Bertalanffy have derived the diffusion of innovation and systems theories respective. In focusing on these two theories, this essay seeks to relate each of them to healthcare delivery and nursing practices especially in the United States. The Relationship between System Theory, Healthcare Delivery and Nursing Practice As earlier mentioned, Ludwig von Bertalanffy is the founder of the systems theory. In his definition, Bertalanffy states that the system theory is a theory that can be applied in the healthcare science as it suggests that a system as a whole is composed of small components that are related. Therefore, by describing these components, an individual from the medical profession can be able to describe the nature of certain systems and apply the principle of the system theory to en sure delivery of reliable healthcare services and practice of good nursing practices (Collopy, 1999). In the modern times, the healthcare sector has been known to apply the system theory. This is especially in the United states among other developed nations where scientists and practitioners have realized that the theory could be very effective in ensuring that the dynamic healthcare sector is effective in the implementation of high quality healthcare services. As per the views of Willard (2005) states, these professionals in the medical industry have used the theory in order to provide new developments with emphasis on the living organisms. This is because they believe that modern approaches can be developed using new technologies thus improving the general system especially through provision of three main aspects that include better information, better communication channels, and provision of feedback. Consequently, since the theory is composed of these three aspects, this would t hen result in the provision of improved methods of healthcare delivery and better nursing practices. In focusing on how the system theory has benefitted the healthcare and medical industry in the recent past, Willard(2005) further states that in the United States, healthcare delivery and nursing practices have been faced numerous challenges. However, while some of these problems are due to the dynamic changes witnessed in the modern society, most of them are related to the process of transferring knowledge from an professional to the other. This is in the sense that professionals have had problems transferring knowledge and skills on to other people due to lack of better methods of communication, unavailability of adequate information and lack of immediate feedback channels. In agreement with the views by Willard, Collopy (1999) notes that this is a big channel in the medical industry as the process of transferring knowledge in the healthcare system is very crucial. He explains that this is because it assists in ensuring that strategies and practices are implemented effectively. However, he notes that through the system theory, this problem can be resolved. This is because this theory provides a new mechanism through which scientists and researchers transfer knowledge to each other through sharing information. This is in the s

Monday, September 23, 2019

Identify the five bases or sources of power within a given Essay

Identify the five bases or sources of power within a given organization and Define the relationship between power and dependency in an organizational setting - Essay Example Formal power is manifested through the position assumed in the organization. In the case scenario, Employee 1’s performance is motivated by reward power; defined as the encouragement provided by the marketing manager to work beyond the regular and standard working hours to generate and avail of a large bonus from exemplary performance and who generates superior rating based on the yearly performance evaluation. Employee 1 had been aiming to achieve a superior rating by coming to work even on weekends and by staying up beyond working hours to ensure that work done is complete and accurate. Further, Employee 1 has been with the corporation for 12 years attesting to loyalty and dedication to his work. On the other hand, Employee 2 exemplifies exhibiting coercive power. His ability to negotiate with the accounting manager for a four-day work week due to his competence in being the only employee with knowledge in the preparation of financial statements manifests the fear of management not to give in to his requests; otherwise, the required financial statements would not be prepared. Legitimate power is hereby manifested by the managers in the organization, specifically the accounting manager, who was able to approve the four-day work week for Employee 2 and the marketing manager who encourages employees to exhibit exemplary performance by promising a large yearend bonus bases on superior rating. Personal power is possessed even if employees do not have formal power in the organization. This is manifested by Employee 3 through his charismatic character and personality. In addition, Employee 3 exudes with referent power, where, as Robbins and Judge emphasized, â€Å"some people have referent power who, while not in formal leadership positions, nevertheless are able to exert influence over others because of their charismatic dynamism, likeability, and emotional effects

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Integrating software applications in cloud-Enabled Enterprises Research Proposal

Integrating software applications in cloud-Enabled Enterprises methodology - Research Proposal Example 2. To implement software applications that enabled BYOD in the Enterprise domain. 3. To implement security protocols for BYOD devices that meet the needs of Enterprise frame working This chapter develops a research methodology for pursuing the objectives. The chapter includes research methods section that identifies the proposed methods for implementing the study, research design, and role of the researchers, the study’s facilitators, research participants, and instrumentation for the study. The section also discusses validity and reliability of the selected data collection instruments, data collection procedure, proposed data analysis approach and pilot study for the research. Research method The descriptive study proposes a mixed research approach for investigating its objectives. The method will be explored through field study. It integrates qualitative and quantitative techniques and has the advantages of minimizing weaknesses of each of the techniques and optimizing the t echniques’ strengths. Its advantages and its correspondence to the scope of the research justify its source. Data that is collected in quantitative techniques reflect on the actual value in an occurrence and not a researcher’s perception. ... Such data will inform needs in organizations’ computing systems and consequences of such needs towards development of optimal integrated systems with suitable software applications and desirable security measures. Research design Experimental design is proposed for the study’s quantitative approach. Blocked design will be used. It involves observation of data from partitioned sample space and suits the scope of the study that seeks data on features of integrated computing systems that can co-exist with an enterprise’s network, information on software applications are compatible with BYOD in an organization’s network, and security protocols that are suitable for BYOD in an enterprise’s network. Qualitative data will be collected based on participants’ experiences. The research design is predetermined and is therefore fixed. Role of the group members The group members will assume active roles in the research process. The group’s roles be gan with identification of the research’s title and scope, investigations into the study’s background information, and development of the research problem and research objectives. The groupalso assume the role of developing and implementing the research methodology. After data collection, the group will analyze the data and document research findings and recommendations to stakeholders to the study. Facilitators The group will also be facilitators of the study, will facilitate data collection processes, and technical aspects of data analysis and documentation of the study’s findings. Participants The study will involve three categories of participants, employees of

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Total Rewards versus performance Essay Example for Free

Total Rewards versus performance Essay The aim of this report is to advice to, the Director of human resources at Midland Credit Management (MCM) a US based debt collection company, on the effectiveness of total rewards strategy in context to organisational performance though attracting, retaining and motivating intellectual  capital. This is achieved through the analysis of a total rewards function which is broken-up in to six segments total rewards defined, element of total rewards, model of total rewards, its organisational advantages and its linkage with organisational performance. Firstly, this report explains the meaning and objectives of total rewards and then describes the elements i.e. transactional and relational rewards. A model of total rewards is followed which portrays financial and non-financial tenets as well as individual and communal aspects of strategic reward. Further it covers the advantages provided to an organisation for the purpose of attaining competitive advantage on recruitment, development of performance management and integration between human resource strategies and business goals. Lastly, the impact of total rewards strategy is evaluated in terms of physiological contract with an employee. It includes the theory of motivation, employee commitment and engagement that culminates a sense of responsibility, respect, trust and personal growth, which increased individual performance and business goals are achieved by creating a performance culture. Thus, a successful total rewards strategy pays for the value individuals bring in an organisation with a wide range of financial and non-financial rewards which helps them to perform effectively and achieve competitive edge for the organisation. Total rewards defined 1.1. Introduction: In the era of globalisation/internationalisation people management has become a significant task for human resource (HR) unit. At present, in rapidly changing and competitive business environment, the role of self-motivated, engaged, skilled and committed employees is increasingly remarkable to achieve business goals and competitive advantage. Performance management and reward strategy are the key element to directly influence individual’s performance and ultimately organisational effectiveness within the industry. In recent year several internal and external factors, competitive business environment and developments in the field of reward management has introduced a different and most influential term called total reward. 1.2. Meaning: Strategic reward can be considered as an approach to the improvement and execution of reward schemes that validates their incorporation and clutch with the business strategy and other HR strategies and that they are in connection with other reward strategies for the benefit  of both employees as well as organisation. According to Armstrong and Murlis (1998) the essence of this notion of total reward is to manage reward policies in a way that considers the various components together to support one another to maximise employment satisfaction with the result of their performance. Brown (2001) suggests that strategic reward is a way of thinking and can be applied to any reward matter occurring in organisation to make out how one can create value from it. A reward scheme directly influences the level of motivation, satisfaction that leads to employee engagement and commitment towards organisational goals. 1.3. Objectives/aims: The aim of reward strategy is to produce a sensible purpose and guidance and foundation of improving reward policies, experiences and process. It is considered as a base to acknowledge and satisfy employees’ as well as organisation’s needs. According to Sibson Consulting (2009) the aims of a total rewards strategy can be determined as follows:- coerce business success by attracting talent, engagement and retention; Guide investment decisions for the employer while enabling informed choices for the employee; Clarify the employer-employee relationship; Build a distinctive employment brand; Increase the return on rewards and create value for the enterprise; Integrate reward and HR policies and processes; Align reward processes to business needs; Provide guidance for reward system design and implementation. 2. Elements of total rewards Total reward is an effective section of a reward system and emphasises to think about all facets of employment experience of value to employees instead of remuneration and employee benefits. The concept of total rewards identifies the necessity of getting paid appropriately in terms of pay and benefits and also encourages the significance of rewarding people for the work they performed, managed and developed in their work environment. It further adds to the performance of an employee value intention that provides an obvious, gripping cause that attracts capable workforce to remain with the organisation. The components of total rewards are shown in Figure 1.0. Figure 1.0 Elements of total rewards. The principle of total rewards mingles with two effective categories of reward as discussed below (Armstrong, 2007): 2.1. Transactional rewards: These are tangible rewards and more of financial offerings and occur from transactions between employer and employees in relation to remuneration and pay-out. Such rewards can be imitable by competitors and offered to individual employees in form of base pay, contingent pay and other employee benefits. These rewards are of extrinsic nature. 2.2. Relational rewards: Such rewards intangible (non-financial) and are related to work conditions i.e. quality of working life, the work, work-life balance, recognition, performance management and learning and development. These rewards are necessary to enhance transactional rewards and differ in different organisations as they can’t be easily copies. As described above total rewards system is a blend of monetary and non-monetary rewards offered to employees that can result in valuable business success in long term. Total rewards approach is a holistic insight of entire reward system to establish incorporation of reward elements in order to drive them so that they jointly support to achieve overall efficiency of reward system. Each component of rewards is sough in a way so that they integrate each other in all ways so that employees can be rewarded and have a sense of satisfaction from their work. A total rewards strategy is structured and joint together so that it can maximise the associated effect of various reward projects for employee motivation, commitment and job engagement. 3. Model of total rewards: Towers Perrin The effective component of total rewards can be concisely presented in the Towers Perrin model of total rewards shown in Figure 2.0. This is commonly used as foundation for the purpose of planning a total rewards approach. It includes of an environment with four quadrants. The upper two quadrants- pay and benefits those represent transactional or tangible (financial) rewards. These are financial rewards are mandatory recruitment and retain employees and can be copied by competitors. On the other hand, other two quadrants which are based on non-financial (intangible) or relational cannot be easily imitated and build both human assets and human development advantage in an organisation. These lower two quadrants are essential to boost the worth of the upper two. When organisations integrate both transactional and  relational rewards strategically it empowers the overall effectiveness to achieve business success. The model makes an important difference between individual and communal r ewards precisely in the later case which are result of work situation. Figure 2.0 Model of total rewards by Towers Perrin. As mentioned above that a total rewards concept integrates between financial and non-financial rewards to enhance a reward system, the importance of both considerations is described below: 3.1. Financial rewards: All monetary rewards those are offered in terms of money and are added up in total remuneration are the financial rewards. Base pay, contingent pay for performance, contribution, competency or skill, pay concerning to service, financial appreciation programs, and benefits like pensions, medical pay and health insurance are the core elements. 3.2. Non-financial rewards: Such rewards focus on the relational or intangible rewards those are related to people needs for various recognition, accomplishment, accountability, autonomy, influence and personal development. Such rewards are directly influenced by work environment i.e. quality of work life, the work, work-life balance, recognition, performance management and learning and development for personal growth within the organisation. Non-financial rewards can be extrinsic, such as praise or recognition as well as intrinsic if they are incorporated with job performance and attention and feelings that the work is valuable. 4. Organisational advantages of total rewards In current competitive business environment it must for an organisation to treat their employees with a sense of respect, fairness and ethically. Success of a business lies in the core value of its intellectual and it is necessary to enhance, develop and retain the same to achieve competitive advantage. Kaplan (2005) suggests the following advantages of total rewards strategy: 4.1. Congruency: The aim of total rewards strategy is that all rewards, including financial and non-financial must complement the business goals and strategies. It provides an incorporated, comprehensive sight of rewards to endorse equivalence and effectiveness of plan and implements, in alliance of business and people strategy. 4.2. Road map for HR specialists: An on paper total rewards strategy gives out as a reference guide to human resource managers to develop and compile new programs. An  evaluation helps business executives to get suggestions from HR managers to execute business strategies. 4.3. Competitive edge for recruitment: In order to attract talent a total rewards strategy helps organisation to differentiate it in a competitive talent pool by attaining competitive edge in terms of recruiting people. 4.4. Improved retention: Employment offerings focuses on people value, enhanced commitment and engagement and reduce turnover. They highlight the emotional bond between employee and employer to motivate and retain people. A strategic reward can increase engagement of work force and produce positive results. 4.5. Moderate labour costs: A reward policy may enable an organisation to moderate its labour costs by trading off several segments of employment package. This can promote flexible employ arrangements which would reduce cost of employment. 4.6. Enhanced organisational performance: Within a performance culture, a total rewards strategy can influence employees’ behaviours which lead to organisational success. A total rewards strategy that satisfies the employe e needs increases productivity, employee commitment and engagement. 5. Strategic rewards versus organisation performance An effective reward strategy attracts people, develops human capital, motivates employee, gains employee commitment and at last increases employee’s performance which ultimately results in organisational performance. So far it is covered that a total reward strategy is an important factor in terms of employee recruitment, retention, development of human capital and performance management. It establishes a performance culture and enhances individual performance. Thus total rewards can be directly incorporated to organisation performance though following: 5.1. Motivation: it an element of physiological contract which encourages, directs and energises a sense to perform extra-ordinarily in want of financial or non-financial interests. Hunter et al (1990) researched that high performance is achieved by well-motivated people who are prepared to practice flexible effort. Total rewards those are practical in deciding the several motivators of employees in an organisation are expected to result to increased employee satisfaction and trigger the desired behaviour which would ignite employees to accomplishment of positive goals by taking exact behaviour which are attractive performance. Further research by Namasivayam  et al (2007) through online survey of 1223 US hotels suggested that there is affirmative association between pay and individual benefits and organisational performance. According to Pink (2005) an extrinsic motivation is required in today’s work culture. Employees have a hectic schedule and the only motivation is the needs they have to fulfil which makes a monotonous work-life balance. 5.2. Commitment: Commitment can be considered at an attachment and loyalty that employees have for their company. Mowday et al (1982) there are 3 characteristics of commitment- 1) A strong desire to stay in the organisation, 2) A strong belief in and acceptance of the values and goals of the organisation, 3) A readiness to exert considerable efforts on behalf of the organisation. According to Walton (1985) traditional control-oriented style of employee management should be replaced by a commitment strategy which enables employees to respond best and most creatively. This is possible when they are given higher responsibilities, encouraged and helped to achieve satisfaction from their jobs. 5.3. Engagement: Performance of an organisation also influenced by the employee engagement towards the organisational design to obtain desired results though intellectual assets. Reilly and Brown (2008) suggest that a strategic reward process, including both extrinsic and extrinsic reward combination, may help to develop and increase employee’s engagement. Influence of total rewards strategy on performan ce by engagement can better demonstrated as modelled below in Figure 3.0. Figure 3.0 How reward policies influence performance through engagement. Conclusion Concluding the importance of total rewards strategy in context to individual performance and consequently organisational performance, it is necessary for an organisation to introduce a clear and achievable reward scheme. The reward functions like base pay, benefits, learning and development and work environment must be described in a way those can produce benefits to employees as well as organisation. A successful total rewards strategy is the one which is integrated with business strategies and designed considering each element of rewards in reference to employee needs. It must contain proper balance of intrinsic and extrinsic rewards to recruit, employee development, motivate, engaged and committed man power.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Analysing Organisational Behaviour of British Airways

Analysing Organisational Behaviour of British Airways This aim of this assignment to focus and analyse Organisational Behavior at British Airways. This assignment begins with summarizing the procedures used by it to motivate its employees and make them work as team towards the achievement of organizational goal. The purpose states that the study of the module Organisational Behavior needs to be applied in fundamental front by providing significant procedure to the company chosen and revise the employees value in the organisation. The assignment comprises of factors which are necessary for an organization to develop which are factors of Leadership, Motivation, spreading team effectiveness in the organization through the different channels of communication and use of different theories at different levels of the organization for its smooth functioning. To help the organisation in rebuilding its reputation, recommendations has been given and conclusion is been drawn. INTRODUCTION British Airways is the major airline which proposals the flights facilities added to 550 destinations. Customers can choose from first class, business, best and economy class. A facility comes a long way since that first flight. British Airways bids food services and a collection of amusing options counting movies, TV, games, and music. British Airways is the airline company of the United Kingdom. It has its headquarter in Waterside which is near its main hub at London Heathrow Airport and as found it is the biggest airline of UK on the record basis of number of international flights and international destinations it has. Its second hub is London Gatwick Airport. The British Airways Group was designed in 1974, September 1. BA was formed by the merger of two large London-based airlines, British Overseas Airways Corporation (BOAC) and British European Airways Corporation (BEA), and two much smaller airlines, Cambrian Airways Cardiff and Northeast Airlines Newcastle upon Tyne. Only BA was one of the two airlines to operate the supersonic Aerospatiale-BAC Concorde capitalizing the worlds first supersonic service in January 1976 for the passengers. British Airways is registered on the London Stock Exchange (as BAY) and is a component of the FTSE 100 Index. On 31 March 2009 the airline renowned its 35th anniversary. On 12 November 2009, British Airways established that it had grasped a preliminary contract to combine with Iberia Airlines. The joined airline become the worlds third-largest carrier (after Delta Air Lines and American Airlines) in terms of annual report income. ( METHODS OF EVALUATING THE ORGANISATION LEADERSHIP Leadership is the process of influencing the activities of an organized group in its efforts toward goal-setting and goal achievement (Huczynski and Buchanan, 2007). Leaders impact our daily lives and futures. In good times and bad, there is always a need for strong leadership. The leaders determine the success of a business or an industry it chooses or inherits. How does someone earn the designation of being a great leader? History and current experiences provide guidance on how one might develop the abilities demonstrated by respected leaders. LEADERSHIP AT BA British Airways need great leaders to help its struggle with current trading conditions and achieve its long-term vision. A leading global best airline need be courageous and highly actual in emerging present and possible leaders. BA has introduced its High Performance Leadership (HPL) system during the year. This is system combined, business strategy linking, performance appraisal, growth and reward. Motivated the senior leaders primarily, HPL has demanding valuation instruments to identify gifted leaders and to provide them with the right tools and support to continue developing. BA well-defined, connected and initiated to degree of individual performance. For every ability, exact behaviors have been established so that leaders can know exactly what are the expectations and BA is supportive up to a range of expansion program, with executive coaching, systems, opportunities and outside courses. BA is also using new methods to quality of performance. These will allow BA to monitor progress of individual and path the overall accomplishment at supervision talent. Among the other leadership creativeness BA have initiated: Behaviors for Success it deals with the development program of leadership for the community of HPL, concentrating on sympathetic and emerging leadership performance of personal Leadership Matters a structure to identify and improve a leaders who have crucial roles in the Customer life and Actions areas of business of British Airways. A Leadership Development Portfolio this will be announce this year with the purpose of secondary existing and probable leaders of business at every level which includes the developing leaders. Case study To be in progressively competitive market, BA strong-minded operate to stand out from its challengers by recapturing the status for service leadership which it enjoyed in the 1990s. BA have hurled a planned marketing campaign by inviting customers to experience the difference and promote BA, BA standard that the key to bringing this aptitude in the air lay in the hands of 4,000 on-board cabin crew managers. To re-engage this precarious team of leaders the company should find some definite ways, it distinguished that all cabin crew would be released with its full potential, leading to inspiring the service knowledge of all customers of BA. To develop its leadership BA selected in 2007, NKD which was set to work producing an stimulating programme called Leadership Matters, merging with the latest leadership styles with practical methods for cabin crew managers to use in daily activities. The project initiated with an concentrated Discovery period where it was discovered through a series of centre groups: The productions from this phase manufactured the grounds upon which the whole progress programme was built: Once the programme was overall through with the aims, cabin crew managers were asked to the central part of Leadership Matters an appealing and reviving workshop for two days. The workshops themselves were intended to give leaders space and interval to consider their leadership style and the impression they have on their teams and customers. The energetic events aimed to attract the on-board leaders, and improve their skills as real as 21st Century leaders should possess. Every aspect of the workshops design the choice and presentation of the learning venue, event invites, the learning content itself, film, event materials and the style of facilitation was consistent with the BA service promise and the key traits of  Modern Leadership. The result of this program were early indications suggest that Leadership Matters is proving a great success. Satisfaction ratings from delegates average an impressive 5.8 out of 6. The programme is successfully reconnecting leaders with the essence of their role and providing them with new skills and confidence to become effective Modern Leaders. ( MOTIVATION The history of motivational study has seen the rise of differing, but not equally exclusive methods to motivation. There are many challenging theories which endeavour to explain the landscape of motivation. Such theories are all at least to some extent true, and help clarify the behaviour of firm people at certain times. But, the study for a comprehensive theory of motivation at work seems ineffective. All the theories existing here have their critics but still any theory or study which helps in understanding of how best to motivate people at work must be beneficial. Even though there is no one single answer, as a group the different theories deliver a framework within which we can try to answer the query of how best to motivate individuals at work. We are therefore left to critic the relevance of these diverse theories, to a specific work situation ( Blane, ND). ( TECHNIQUES USED BY BA TO MOTIVATE ITS EMPLOYEES Workplace BA endeavour to provide a working environment that will engages, supports, engages and develops its employees. The key factor of BA workplace pillar is to motivate its employees to be dedicated towards their  duty as they are the ones who make the airline run and BA require them on the board till the journeys end. BA diversity and inclusion team has established a plan for the company that encourages all the employees with the aim of identifying aptitude and encouraging flexible rational. This plan is reinforced and united into all sections over BA senior level promoters and defenders. This in opportunity will identify and meet the varied needs of Ba employees. Another strategy BA have set up is for conflict and harassment resolution. To formulate this strategy BA has hired a total of 50 advisors and mediators employed across British Airways to make a culture where self-respect and admiration are trademarks of relationships at work, and where nuisance or mistreatment are not allowed to be abided. Rewards and recognition BA knows that what is the importance of reward in making it a great business holder to work. BA is very much dedicated in building an environment where BA employees feel valued and are known fairly in the organization for making their contribution in the organization individually. British Airways deals with two types of principal funded defined benefit pension schemes in the UK, the Airways Pension Scheme (APS) and the New Airways Pension Scheme (NAPS). From April 1, 2003, new employees were allowed to join the British Airways Retirement Plan (BARP). Smart Pension measures, which allow BA UK-based employees to make their pension contributions in a more tax well-organized way, were presented in early 2008. Around 90 per cent of those employees who are entitled are now benefiting from this arrangement. One of the main aim of BA is to provide total reward packages for its employees which will inspire them in high performance and exceptional customer service throughout the business However, BA substituted its grade based reward scheme for managers with a new broad band system which links rewards more closely to individual performance and ability. On the other hand BA Bravo recognition scheme allows it to distinguish people across their business for their hard work and attainments. Improved training In simple terms, training and development refers to the imparting of specific skills, abilities and knowledge to an employee. A formal definition of training development is, it is any attempt to improve current or future employee performance by increasing an employees ability to perform through learning, usually by changing the employees attitude or increasing his or her skills and knowledge (Rao, 2009). Rao, D.(2009), HRM-Training and Development, June,[Online] Available at: Accessed on: 1st December] In the last year we delivered 235,000 days of training. We also welcomed some 3,100 people into the company which required a high level of induction training and a refresh for our new entrant training programmes. BA has established several training centre for its employees where they are been trained not practically but mentally too. BA invest more effectively in the development of its employees to build both their skills and educational standards for this it has opened several vocational study centres. With the help of these centres all new applicant of cabin crew can now achieve an NVQ  Level  2 stipulation on accomplishment of their training which is comparable to 4 GCSEs. Leadership development Leadership is a major main concern for BA, for which BA have established a number of platforms to improve the competence and presentation of its leaders. This comprises of a day plan for all leaders, called Leading  the  Business, which emphases on the experiments of managing variation, pleasing employees and bringing results to support the business plan. BA have also advanced a leadership website to deliver information and training resources to provision managers with all aspects of their characters. BA now mainly focus on talent and leadership expansion over the coming year as BA shape the ability it need for development. ( Abraham.H.Maslow  published A Theory of Human Motivation in 1943. In this work he argued that people are  wanting / needing beings. As such we always want more, and what we want depends on what we already have. Maslow suggested human needs can be arranged into a series of levels, a  hierarchy  of importance. Abraham Maslows Hierarchy of Needs Maslows theory of motivation is the theory which deals with the aspects of people needs in the place where they work. The theory describes about the unfulfilled needs of the employees which leads to conflicts in the organization. The structure of this theory is basically like a pyramid having five different sections of different needs. These are the basic needs of the people working which are need to be fulfilled so they can develop themselves as well as the company they working in, The levels are: Physiological Needs: It is the basic need of the people, it deals with the aspects like food, shelter, clothes, water in order to survive. People expect decent pay from where they work so they can fulfill their basic needs. Safety Needs: It is the need which is concerned with the physical, survival or sense of security. In workplaces people expect high standard of work, safety and security, intervals of rest, pension and medical treatment from the company. Social Needs : It deals with the aspects of love and affection. In workplaces people work hard and they form groups in which they require friendship. giving respect to each other and providing social facilities and friendly environment. Self-Esteem : It is one of the major factor of Maslows Theory of motivation as it speaks about ones self-respect. This means getting respect from others, feeling valued, having confidence and giving rewards for better performance in the company. Self-Actualisation: It deals with the full potential of people. It describes the needs of people working like have challenging jobs, opportunities for creativity, achievement in work promotion. Maslows Hierarchy of Needs USE OF MASLOW THEORY OF MOTIVATION AT BA Self-Actualisation needs: BA is fulfilling this need of its employees by giving them challenging jobs and providing them with training so they can develop their skills and perform well in their field of work and gain progress. Self esteem needs: BA is satisfying its employees this need by giving them job titles, position in the company and receiving feedbacks of job. Social needs: BA fulfils this need of its employees by making them work in groups and motivate them to work as a team. BA also organises cultural programs in the company for the employees where they can interact with each other and form social groups. Safety needs: for this need BA has introduced several pension plans where employees will be provided with pension after their retirement and bonuses at present time.BA has introduced free medical centres for its employees. Physiological need: BA fulfils this need of its employees by providing them with proper working conditions and paying them well according to their performance. Team effectiveness at BA Each colleague through the company together forms British  Airways and therefore must work together to accomplish the organizational vision and goal. Diversity and inclusion British Airways is very pleased to be one of the business organization that salutes and nurtures variances. Diversity and inclusion one are of the method of life for British Airways. The main emphasis of BA has been on developing its Dignity at Working strategy to reduce provocation and mistreatment in the workplace. BA has selected and skilled Provocation Advisors from across the world of business ,in response to their employees requests for people they can approach privately about any issues they may have and try to solve them. The advisors behaves as a listening ear to the employees and provide them with the guidance and practical knowledge. BA consults with its disabled employee group to identify disability issues and help them to ensure that they are making all BA products, services and training fully comprehensive and available. All the employees are trained in incapacity awareness to increase their awareness about the all disabled employees and customers. BA has also introduced a Building Ability strategy system to classify and encourage the needs of disabled customers and employees. BA frequently look at how it can progress the voyage of knowledge for the disabled customers and for the first time BA has conducted detailed customer research to classify areas for development. In July 2008, 522 members of the British Paralympics Association moved to Beijing for the Paralympic Games, providing BA with important trainings which BA can interpret into day-to-day practice. Generally, BA Pride at Work strategy comprises of process training, communications and workshops across the business which are helpful in development of BA as well as its employees. Colleague involvement BA certifies that all its colleagues are to be kept well knowledgeable about the working of its Company, customers and industry by using inclusive internal communications technique. BA gives priority to Face-to-face communication and run regular updates across the Company so that more people can interact at a time, share ideas with senior and line managers. BA also run workshops which are helpful for the managers in communicating and making key statements and also online forums and an online Ideas which can exchange to inspire wider discussion. On the Other hand BA has introduced online communication channels for the colleagues. ( Team Effectiveness Theory used by BA McGregors Theory X and Theory Y The motivation of employees is generally the accountability of the manager. After  McGregors study- The Human Side of Management recommends that two styles of  employee exist, each retaining different needs. Theory X- expresses a negative sight of human nature, depicting employees as lethargic, unambitious people who loathing work and need to be measured through sentence. Theory Y- discusses that employees are not money motivated but increase recompense from the job itself. Theory Y grants employees as self-disciplined, work obliged people who desire accountability and inspired fulfillment. British Airways has adopted style of Theory Y to improve its Team effectiveness. Evidently Theory X and Theory Y workers will respond in conflicting means to altered management efforts to increase Team effectiveness. The Theory X employee is more expected to react to financial encouragements, so BA focus less on these types of employees and Theory Y employees are encouraged by job enhancement, job expansion, job rotation and superiority control groups which leads the company into the directions of success that is why BA focuses mainly on these types of employees and provide them with bonuses, pensions, training of working in groups as a team. Theory X  would lead BA towards falling in the area of better service. Communication To effectively communicate, we must realize that we are all different in the way we perceive the world and use this understanding as a guide to our communication with others. Anthony Robbins quotes  (American  advisor to leaders) Communication is the process of sending a message through a channel and receiving the feedback from the same medium. COMMUNICATION AT BRITISH AIRWAYS BAs strategy is reproduced in its mission statement, i.e. To be the undisputed leader in world travel. BAs communication strategy makes use of different IT communication system with different programs guarantee smooth running of the operations. The information system is accountable (, Undated).for all the working of It through BA groups and plays a crucial role in modelling the airline in future. British Airways symbols practice of Corporate Communications that is the global reputation of organisations manager and confirms that all concerned parties are awake of the airlines expansions and news. Corporate Communication is accountable of the airlines Intranet satisfied, which is one of the key networks used in care of mobile staff and providing with the latest newscast and strategies. British Airways has a distant employee population that is frequently travelling in all angles through the world. Regardless of this task, BA employees are well connected via the companys Intranet; presence in the sky, airports or on highways. BA also presented the Employee Self Service (ESS) project to deliver tools that agree staff worldwide to accomplish their own day-to-day management over the web (Computing, 2001). Corporate Communications is too responsible in the production of BA News, a weekly newspaper which is spread to its employees and team players. A protected, healthy and dependable 247 through the world IT procedure is used to guarantee an improved teamwork (networking) and communication channel; leading finished communication. BA another important channel of communication is IP Technology. Communication channel has a powerful tool of Advertisement. A sum of professional communications agencies are organised to distribute the airlines key communications to customers and media of BA operates in more than 80 countries Another important BA communication channel is BA Media. The sales arm of the communication channels for British Airways Media presented by Britains premier airline brand. The communications setting that BA Media bids is both exclusive and ever growing, giving an opening to reach its audience. BA Media is responsible in the production of Business in fields like TV, Magazines, Marketing material lounges, Radio magazines etc. ( RECOMMENDATION It appears that the main cause of the difficulties faced by British Airways is owed to the unplanned management variations executed. The problems also rise because of the insufficient knowledge of its management about the procedure of planned management and new management structures. It can be observed as a set of theories structures designed to describe the factors essential for the performance of organisations and to support managers in thinking about motivating, leadership, planning ,communication techniques and team effectiveness for the development of the employees as well as the organisation. These can be accomplished through: Reduce introduction to unprofitable sections of the market while taking strides to maintain and progress upon the effectiveness of its system. The recruitment process at BA is very time consuming due to the large number of candidates applying, the company must enhance a quicker decision making system or standard. BA should appoint more good inspirational leaders so the employees can get motivated. BA must concentrate upon the employees who are not working up to their mark and avoiding working in groups, it should adopt some strategy to motivate them and make them work in groups which will help in improving team effectiveness. The company should get in touch with their clients when they have some promotional offers. BA should have more of the customer service and loyalty programs it creates an atmosphere of self-awareness in the organisation among the employees. Conclusion British Airways remains carefully enthusiastic about its future projections. However, it is convinced that significantly more work lies in the future if the airline is to be successful. The motivation and commitment of employees is the significant for the accomplishment of British Airways. It has been verified that there is a clear link between employee motivation by leaders and customer contentment. The role of the People in the Division is to make sure that people within British Airways are well accomplished so that employee motivation remains high, leading to better customer service through the means of proper training and communication channel adopted by leaders in flat functioning of the organization. The Department is systematized into central expert units with People and Organization Distribution units who work alongside each section managers in British Airways. Lot of advantages has been taken to uphold motivation and self-confidence of employees after the redundancy period. Redundant employees were aided to find alternative employment. For the present employees, Bravo is the company acknowledgement scheme, providing people leaders with a means of identifyin g the contributions of teams and individuals. There is a advice-giving and participative method with the unions. It is the leaders of the organization who takes these initiatives to notify the remaining employees as more than just survivors. However, to solve such problems in relations of having good employee relationship and customer relationship the organisation brings back its strategy of Putting People First as Putting People First Again. In addition, the organisation also offers the updated course to all BA employees.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

The Poweful Writing of Henry David Thoreau :: Biography

Why was Henry David Thoreau such a wonderful writer? He had many great qualities, but the most important were his devotion to nature and writing, his desire for independence, and his experiences he encountered throughout his life. Henry David Thoreau looked to nature as the basis of life and writing. He believed that nature is the reflection of inner spiritual reality. He spent his life in search of the essentials of reality and of experiences that would bring him close to these essentials. He lived in a hut for two years at Walden Pond to rid his body of inessential things. During Thoreau's stay, he completed his first book titled, A Week on the Concord and Merrimack Rivers(1849). Here, he also filled his journals with materials for his most famous piece, Walden. After he left the hut, and after college, he became a literary apprentice by writing essays and poems and by helping edit the transcendentalist journal, The Dial. When success did not come, Thoreau remained dedicated to his program of "education" through intimacy with nature, and also through writing that would express this experience. It was his life in nature that was his great theme. In order for Thoreau to write so much on nature he had to be familiar with it. His knowledge of the woods and fields, of the rivers, the ponds, and swamps, of every plant and animal was outstanding. Emerson even stated, "His power of observation seemed to indicate additional senses." Thoureau wrote a book titled Walden(1854) in which the theme of it was the relationship to the order and beauty of nature in the human mind. This book consists of records of Thoreau's stay at Walden Pond. Thoreau's love and devotion to nature and his writing was a key to his excellence in writing. Henry David Thoreau also felt that individualism was a great necessity to his writing style. In his piece of literature titled "Civil Disobedience", he expressed his belief in the power and the obligation of the individual to determine right from wrong, independent of the dictates of society. Thoreau's friends agreed with his views, but few practiced it in their own lives as consistently as he. Thoreau demonstrated his idea of independence in many ways. He worked for pay intermittently, he made relationships with many of the towns outcasts, he never married, he signed off from the First Parish Church rather than be taxed automatically to support it every year, and he lived alone in the woods for two years, in seclusion. His nearest neighbor was at least a mile away. While he was living independently in the woods, he thought of many new The Poweful Writing of Henry David Thoreau :: Biography Why was Henry David Thoreau such a wonderful writer? He had many great qualities, but the most important were his devotion to nature and writing, his desire for independence, and his experiences he encountered throughout his life. Henry David Thoreau looked to nature as the basis of life and writing. He believed that nature is the reflection of inner spiritual reality. He spent his life in search of the essentials of reality and of experiences that would bring him close to these essentials. He lived in a hut for two years at Walden Pond to rid his body of inessential things. During Thoreau's stay, he completed his first book titled, A Week on the Concord and Merrimack Rivers(1849). Here, he also filled his journals with materials for his most famous piece, Walden. After he left the hut, and after college, he became a literary apprentice by writing essays and poems and by helping edit the transcendentalist journal, The Dial. When success did not come, Thoreau remained dedicated to his program of "education" through intimacy with nature, and also through writing that would express this experience. It was his life in nature that was his great theme. In order for Thoreau to write so much on nature he had to be familiar with it. His knowledge of the woods and fields, of the rivers, the ponds, and swamps, of every plant and animal was outstanding. Emerson even stated, "His power of observation seemed to indicate additional senses." Thoureau wrote a book titled Walden(1854) in which the theme of it was the relationship to the order and beauty of nature in the human mind. This book consists of records of Thoreau's stay at Walden Pond. Thoreau's love and devotion to nature and his writing was a key to his excellence in writing. Henry David Thoreau also felt that individualism was a great necessity to his writing style. In his piece of literature titled "Civil Disobedience", he expressed his belief in the power and the obligation of the individual to determine right from wrong, independent of the dictates of society. Thoreau's friends agreed with his views, but few practiced it in their own lives as consistently as he. Thoreau demonstrated his idea of independence in many ways. He worked for pay intermittently, he made relationships with many of the towns outcasts, he never married, he signed off from the First Parish Church rather than be taxed automatically to support it every year, and he lived alone in the woods for two years, in seclusion. His nearest neighbor was at least a mile away. While he was living independently in the woods, he thought of many new

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Marketing at Nike Essay -- Business Management Studies

Marketing at Nike The purpose of Nike is to meet actual and potential customer needs, doing this the ethical and legal way. Marketing is about businesses such as Nike, getting the product to the right sort of people at the right price in the right place, by using the right promotion. Nike must target the right product at the right audience, for example, it would be worthless aiming sports shoes to older people because they don’t exercise because they are to old and weak. For the marketing strategy to be successful Nike must follow the main principal of marketing, which is identifying and meeting actual and potential customer needs, however, to follow this principal the next principals listed must be followed: †¢ Understanding customer needs, †¢ Understand and keep ahead of the competition, †¢ Communicate effectively with its customers to satisfy customer expectations, †¢ Co-ordinate its functions to achieve marketing aims, †¢ Be aware of constraints on marketing activities. To understand customer’s needs, Nike must be aware of their customers changes in tastes and preferences, the business will have to keep up to date with what customers want. Incomes must also be considered. This is important because if an expensive product was aimed at adults who are on the poorer end of the market, and they basically couldn’t afford it then the product will not sell. Therefore, the price of the product will obviously have to compliment the target market in order for it to be successful. Nike needs to understand and keep ahead of competition (other sport brands e.g. Adidas and Gap); to do this Nike must have better marketing strategies and activities. In order to be the best competitor, Nike should have better products and more high quality products with excellent quality and must keep trying to improve them. Competition analysis can be used to check what their competitors are doing in order to beat them. For Nike to get their message across they will need to communicate with the customers. Nike must discover how to get the message across about the new product, this could be through several ways of advertising, such as, leaflets, radio stations or even television, Nike must chose the best advertising method to suit the target market and actually promote the product. Understanding customer needs is another of the activities Nike carries out. They do this by carryi... ...n as possible. This is very important to Nike as they say they don’t operate no sweat shop policy. As Nike manufactures many of their products abroad it needs to ensure all the rules and regulations are being followed abroad to. These have been concerns by pressure groups that suspects that Nike isn’t following their code of conduct abroad, in the factories that are producing their products, however their isn’t no sold evidence. Consumers are very concerned that products they are purchasing are produced ethically and when they start doubting businesses they may start to boycott and purchases alternative products form their competitors. Consumers have a right to know how the products are being made that they produce, there is also a UN agreement the ethical constraints for Nike are no child Labour or unfair pay, but the employees get  £8 a week and it would take them a whole month to buy on of the shirts they are producing without spending any of their money on food, water etc. some people would consider that to be unfair but compared to other local jobs they are being paid a lot more. Also hour’s Nikes employees were required to work are 14 hour shifts which Nike also still denies.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Fate or Free will Romeo and Juliet Essay

Fate: Is it just an excuse? Excuses are something people use to clear themselves or others of the blame of their own foolish actions. In Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, it is not fate, but impulsive and desperate actions that bring about the downfall of Romeo and Juliet. In the Victorian era, fate was known as the development of events out of human control, and determined by a supernatural power. By no means was the demise of Romeo and Juliet out their control. It happened because of the choices they themselves to make. Romeo always blames his own reckless actions on fate. Romeo is warned not to go to the masquerade party but tells fate to â€Å"steerage of [his] course† and â€Å"direct [his] sail† and goes anyway. Romeo knows himself that he will die if he goes but still chooses to go. Romeo decides that whatever happens is up to fate and it’s completely out of his control. Also, after killing Tybalt, he calls himself â€Å"Fortune’s fool† and realizes he will be punished severely (Rom 3.1.142). Romeo is basically says he is a subject to the whims of fate. He thinks fate is playing around with him and not taking responsibility for what he himself did. However when he hears of Juliet’s â€Å"death† Romeo tries to â€Å"defy the stars† and kills himself (5.1.25). Romeo is taking responsibility for his actions by trying to defy his â€Å"fate† and finally taking thing into his own hands. This doesn’t work, since he didn’t bo ther to check if Juliet was still alive and just kills himself in his attempt to be together with her, even if it’s in death. Romeo uses fate to justify his actions and say that a power outside of his control fueled his action, but instead everything was just his impulsive choices. Juliet makes reckless and impulsive actions knowing very well what the consequences could be, and then blames it on her unavoidable fate. When Juliet first sees Romeo at the party, Juliet tells the nurse to â€Å"go ask [for his] name. If he be married† and says that her grave is â€Å"like to be [her] wedding bed†, foreshadowing her own death (1.5.148). Juliet wants to know if Romeo is married, and she is just a thirteen year old girl who saw Romeo the first time in her life. Juliet is the one that eventually proposes to Romeo, and she does this knowing to be married means her own death. When Romeo  visits Juliet on her balcony that night, she says she has â€Å"no joy of this contract tonight, it is too rash, too unadvised, [and] too sudden’ about Romeo swearing his love to her. Even before they are married, Juliet already knows their actions are impulsive. Combined with the fact that she even foreshadows her own death, she still rashly decides to marry Rome o. This wedding was by her own choice and not like the one where her parents force her to marry Paris. In addition, after Romeo leaves Juliet after their only night together, Juliet pleads to fate to â€Å"be fickle†, and to â€Å"not keep him long, but to send him back† to her (3.5.63). She also hopes that since Romeo is â€Å"renown’d for faith† unlike fate (which is fickle) fortune should be kind to him. She is excusing his killing of her cousin Tybalt with the fact that fate is unreliable and unpredictable. It wasn’t fate being unpredictable, it was Romeo losing his cool and acting rashly. Juliet shows that she knows the consequences of her actions, but goes forth with them anyways. Friar Lawrence’s reckless actions brought together the deaths, and he blames them on fate. When Friar John tells him that the letter couldn’t be sent, Frair Lawrence decides to blame it on â€Å"unhappy fortune† and not himself (5.2.17). He is a grown man, but decides to let Friar John travel alone to deliver the message. Instead of sending the message himself, he gives the crutial task to people that aren’t even involved. Knowing this, he blames his own blatant fault on fate being unhappy. Also, when Friar Lawrence walks in to see both Paris and Romeo dead, he says it is â€Å"lamentable chance† that they are dead (5.3.151). Again, fate is blamed for something easily avoided. He is saying that it was out of his control that the two died, but Frair Lawrence was the one who married them and masterminded the plan in the first place. Not only that, when Juliet awakens the Friar tells her â€Å"a power greater than [they] can contradict has thwarted [t heir] intents† and as a result, Romeo is now dead (5.3.158). When he talks about a power that could not be resisted he is talking about fate and how fate ruined the plan to reunite Romeo and Juliet. He was the one that botched the sending of the message to Romeo. The Friar just doesn’t take any responsibility at all for his actions and opts instead to blame uncontrollable forces. Throughout Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, the characters’ own impetuous and  brash choices, not fate, bring about the deaths. Characters repeatedly used fate as an excuse by saying the series of events were completely out of their control. In contrast, everything could have been avoided if the characters just decided to think rationally. By having them blame fate, Shakespeare is asserting that people need to take responsibility for their own actions. They should realize it is their own choices that affect the future, not fate. People’s destinies can be changed, and it is not predetermined by an all-powerful force.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Darkness at Noon Revision Notes Essay

Why does Nikolai Rubashov confess to crimes against the revolution that he has not committed? What are the political options open to Rubashov following his arrest? Which option does he choose? Are the implications of the political argument in Arthur Koester’s Darkness at Noon anti-revolutionary or merely anti-Stalinist? Is Darkness at Noon an attempt to explain why the Russian Revolution in particular failed or is it an attempt to explain why all revolutions that rely on violent means to achieve their ends must fail? What is the central political argument of Arthur Koestler’s Darkness at Noon? What are the political implications of his argument? Outline the most important differences in the political mentality of Rubashov’s interrogators- Ivanov and Gletkin? What political options are open to Rubashov after he is arrested? Following Rubashov’s arrest Ivanov gave the option of going through a public trial by confessing to certain acts, or having a private administrative trial. Public trial: * This could lead to the discrediting and weakening of the ideology * Rubashov held a high position within the party, and for him to be seen as a dissident would have stirred other revolutionaries * Would have made it more difficult for the party to discredit his views if Rubashov did not publically denounce himself * Doesn’t serve the revolution * Preserves his own honour in some ways but is of no use to the greater good Confess: * Rubashov capitulates in order to serve the revolution and the party * Although he was not guilty of anything, he cannot find any reason in his own mind not to capitulate. Rubashov has been a creature of the party for his whole life, and now the party demands that he should confess * Justice and objective truth have ceased to have any meaning for him * He feels superior to his Czarist officer who inhabits the next cell, showing the differences in thought processes from a person ingrained with the party ideology versus the ‘bourgeois’ angle who would uphold his honour * The officer believes that honour is about doing what you think is right, an individualist perspective, where as Rubashov contends that to uphold the honour of the regime/revolution is more honourable. Ideology dictates the actions of all players in the regime – citizen and state To serve the revolution, Rubashov finds it necessary to capitulate – serves the greater good – it is better to confess to crimes not committed than to risk the reputation of the revolution for his own honour – grammatical fiction: there is no I. This is a demonstration of the corruption of revolutions enacted through violent means. The means don’t justify the ends when the citizens are being overlooked – the revolution is supposed to act for the good of the people, but the ideology has become corrupted to serve the good of itself and its leader. Outline the most important differences in the political mentality of Rubashov’s interrogators- Ivanov and Gletkin? Ivanov * He lived before the revolution, and was an intellectual who helped bring about and serve the revolution * He is not a man of violence – would prefer to persuade Rubashov rather than beat him. Coercion is a last resort for him, but if it is necessary, he believes that the ends do justify the means. Gletkin * Gletkin is of the second generation of the revolution. He comes from a peasant background, is not an intellectual. Rubashov thinks of him as little more than a violent thug. * His political views are therefore those of the party, he accepts what is force fed to him without thinking critically about it. * He is a man of violence. He wants to beat and torture Rubashov to obtain his confession. Therefore he doesn’t believe in the idea of persuasion. However this does show that he believes the end justifies the means. * Gletkin is the culmination of what Koestler argues went wrong with the revolution – he represents totalitarian thought, and he is the kind of individual that it produces. * ‘born without an umbilical cord’

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Should the Government Regulate Our Health

Should The Government Regulate Our Health? Posted: 01/29/10 10:58 AM ET Get Healthy Living Alerts Sign Up Submit this story I was in my late 20's when I walked into a dialysis clinic for the first time. The interior of the waiting area was worn, with beige paint peeling off of the walls. As I waited awkwardly to find out where my patient was my attention was drawn to a sign that read, â€Å"Did you know that [a popular fast food sandwich] contains 1020 milligrams of sodium? † Salt can be bad. But it sure tastes good.Ask the millions of Americans who consume large amounts of salt in their diet, much of it from processed foods. Sodium consumption in excess is linked with a number of health problems, including high blood pressure, kidney disease and various forms of heart disease. New Yorkers have recently learned about the detriments of salt. Mayor Bloomberg has launched an initiative to reduce the amount of sodium that people get from restaurant chains and food producers by ask ing them to voluntarily cut the amount of this now ill-thought of mineral.When in New York City a couple of weeks ago, my husband and I could tell that restaurateurs are listening to Bloomberg. When eating out, we noticed that our food was, well, less tasty. But maybe it is worth it. A recent New York Times article, which summarized findings from The New England Journal of Medicine, suggested that if Americans reduced salt intake by a half a teaspoon a day the nation would save 24 billion in health care costs. In the current political climate, many of us are acutely aware of issues related to the rising costs of health care.But is government intervention the best way to proceed? Although a government middleman might be a good option, I wonder why we aren't putting more pressure on physicians to counsel their patients on dietary strategies to reduce sodium intake. Research suggests that American physicians are less likely than their European counterparts to discuss behavioral interve ntions with patients and are more likely to rely on the prescribing of medications. Regarding diet and hypertension, a recent study suggests that physicians offer little counseling on how to lower blood pressure numbers through lifestyle changes.Not only do discussions regarding health behaviors result in patient satisfaction, such discussions comprise the inherent values of doctor-patient relationships. We seek medical care not only for lab results and prescription refills; we look to our doctors for advice and support. However, in a day and age in which technology and insurance mandates are interlopers in the patient-physician dyad, we have lost the personal connections and source of wisdom that people often crave.In fact, the relationship between many of us and our physicians is dysfunctional. Doctors are overwhelmed and receive less respect than ever before in the history of modern medicine. As patients, we have submitted ourselves to the less personal nature of medical encounte rs. Maybe if we demand additional support from physicians (and advocate for additional backing of our doctors regarding the freedom to make medical decisions and limiting intrusion by managed care companies) we can get what we need in order to change our behaviors.Of course, we are all ultimately responsible in how we choose to care for our bodies. But maybe if we can learn to trust our physicians again (and they work to earn that trust), we don't have to reduce healthcare issues and healthcare costs in this country to something like eating salt. Greenburg, T. (2010, Jan 29). www. huffingtonpost. com. Retrieved from http:// www. huffingtonpost. com/tamara-mcclintock-greenberg/should-the-government-reg_b_441493. html (Greenburg, 2010)